Andrea's Favorite Things

It’s the holiday season!!! So I wanted to be like Oprah and share with you a few of my favorite things. These are the things that are bringing me joy right now, and I hope they bring you joy too! 

First, let’s talk about foam rolling. Foam rolling is an essential part of the Autoimmune Strong program, because it has such a major release on our muscles, which takes the pressure off our joints, releases us from pain, and prevents injury.

I have two favorite foam rolling tools: the infinity roller and the tiger tail. 

The infinity roller is amazing at getting into your body’s cracks and crevices. The round balls on either side are great for massaging out your feet, and the indent allows you to roll out your back without putting your spine at risk. I carry this tool whereever I go. It is absolutely my favorite. And In the Autoimmune Strong program, I have a number of videos that teach you exactly how to use it!


Get the Infinity Roller Here!

If you have trouble getting up and down off the floor, and you feel more comfortable sitting in a chair, the tiger tail might be a better foam rolling tool for you. I love it because you can give a gentle workout to your legs or your arms, and t feels oh so good. There are also videos on how to use this tool in the Autoimmune Strong member portal. 


Get the Tiger Tail here!

And finally, if you love a good massage but want a less expensive at home option, then the Myobuddy is for you! This tool allows you to massage your whole body, from the comfort of your own home. It seems a bit pricey- but when you consider that a massage is typically about $100, the Myobuddy can actually help you save money over time. I have to tell you- I didn’t think I would love it- but I do! And I use it all the time.


Get the Myobuddy here!
Use Coupon Code andreaw to save on your myobuddy!

Now to something a little different. I have been talking about how the change of season affects our mood, right?

Well, a significant part of that is our exposure to sunlight. As the season changes, our exposure to sunlight gets smaller, and it has a significant effect on our health. I have been using this little sunlight boost at my desk, and I must say, I love it! It’s tiny and cute, but super effective.   


Get the light therapy lamp here!

And in the kitchen, the things I am loving are my… 

Immersion Blender and my Instant Pot! In the winter I love to steam and mash veggies. I use my Instant Pot to steam the veggies quickly, and then I use my Immersion Blender to mash it up. These cooking instruments get a good workout every week in my kitchen. My favorite mash to make? I peel and cut up a rutabaga and a sweet potato, cook them until soft in the Instant Pot, and then mash them with salt and a little olive oil and/or chicken broth. It’s creamy and sweet and makes me feel warm and fuzzy. You can even make broth in the Instant Pot and then stir in some of the mash as a broth thickener. It’s a delicious soup! 


Get the instant pot here!

And- if you get those pesky sugar cravings, here are two of my favorite no sugar options to curb that sweet tooth.

Sweet Apricity sea salt caramels and Honey Mama chocolate! Hard to find in local markets- but they are worth it to order, I swear. I keep them around so I have a healthy, non-inflammatory option to indulge in. 


Get Honey Mamas here!

Each product featured here has been selected by Andrea as her favorite most recommended and useful items. They are recommended but certainly not required to purchase in order to be successful at Autoimmune Strong. If you make a purchase using the links included, we may earn commission.

Tori Cox