Help Page

I can't access the videos! What should I do?

  1. Make sure you are logged in. Click here

  2. Make sure your membership is still active. Click here to see

  3. Enable Cookies (click here to see how)

  4. Try a different browser, such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.

    Links to download a new browser on a computer:

  5. Still having problems? Click here to report a bug.

What are cookies and how do I change my settings to allow cookies? (for iPhone, android and laptop)

Cookies are small files which are stored on a user's computer. Cookies allow Autoimmune Strong to see if you are logged in, and provide access to the protected videos. 

To enable cookies, first determine which browser you are using. Then: 




How do I watch the videos? 

Autoimmune Strong is a virtual program- so you can watch from your computer or phone anywhere with internet access. 

Is Autoimmune Strong available in downloadable videos or printed form? 

Unfortunately, downloads are not available at this moment for privacy reasons. We are considering creating printed materials- use the button below to sign up for notification when the printed materials are available. 

I want to cancel my membership. How do I do that?

  1. Click here

  2. Click "View or Cancel Plans"

  3. Click "Cancel Subscription"

How do I properly apply a coupon code? 

The video below shows how to properly apply a coupon code


Is Autoimmune Strong GDPR compliant?

Yes, we have revised our Privacy Policy to be compliant with GDPR. If you would like to read our privacy policy, please click here. 

Still need help?

You can email us at