Challenge Prep #5: Preparing Our Mindset for the Challenge


Only three more days until the Challenge begins!!!!! 

Mindset is super important to our success in this Challenge. 

We have to avoid the obstacle of “losing steam” which is very common and happens to many of us. But it doesn’t have to be that way! 

Here’s what happens:  

When we sign up for something like a 14 day fitness challenge, we are of course initially very excited! A chance to change up our routine? To carve out space for a new way of working out? Excited about potential results that we’ll both see and feel? Sign us up! 

But…we often get overwhelmed by the flood of excitement so much that it can wear down by the time we are actually set to begin. That’s when the fear and doubt set in, and we start to wonder if we can actually do this. 

And then…we get paralyzed by all the worries. “What if I can’t do it? What if it’s too hard? I have tried things like this before and I haven’t been able to complete them, why would this time be any different?” The voices in our heads become louder… 

And finally- they take over. These mental head games then lead to us giving up before we even gave ourselves a chance to really get started. 

Can you relate? I bet you can! 

But here’s the thing: This time WILL be different. 

You can breathe easy and relax. I am here to make this Challenge easy for you. I recognize these patterns, and I am going to show you how to overcome them. 

In this Challenge, I am going to guide you slowly into habit-forming, progressive exercise that may feel small or insignificant at first but is actually the foundation of what good fitness is built on. 

Each day, you will receive an email with your daily Challenge instructions. We will alternate between exercise days and mindset days because exercise and mindset go hand in hand. This is what will actually make the Challenge doable. Together, we will overcome the obstacles that have knocked you off course in the past so you can see how to move forward with a healthy consistent exercise routine. 

Today’s Challenge Prep For Success Tip: Acknowledge the uneasy and fearful feelings that might be bubbling up now that you have committed to this Challenge. Tell yourself that they’re OK. These feelings are common. You are in a safe space. This Challenge is designed for you- to help hold your hand through the obstacles. We are going to do this together!

I believe in you! I know you can do this!

With strength + love.

 Your Coach, 

PS. If you are feeling super overwhelmed and don’t feel like this Challenge is going to work for you, and you want a more personalized coaching experience, check out our small group coaching program, enrolling now for the Fall session!

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