Challenge Prep #2: What Exercise Equipment Do I Need?

The first question I always get is this: what equipment do I need?

The good news is that you don’t need much equipment to be successful at this Challenge.

I do recommend using a yoga mat to denote my workout space and give me a comfy place to put my body, but that’s not a requirement. Here is a link to a few yoga mat options.

But there is one essential tool that really helps to transform your body—a foam roller!

Foam rolling is one of the most important cornerstones of Autoimmune Strong.

Don’t worry if you haven’t heard of foam rolling yet. I am going to teach all about it in the Challenge. BUT I want you to have the right tool so you are ready for action on our foam rolling Challenge day.

I swear- foam rolling will change your life- so it's worth it to buy the right tool.

Here are my three favorite foam rolling equipment options:

I have included links here so you can buy the one that best works for you (and I do receive an affiliate commission) but you can also find them at your local big box store or sometimes even at the Dollar Store. Foam rollers don’t have to be expensive to work wonders!

  • The Tiger Tail: This is my favorite foam roller option for people with limited mobility, restricted joint movement and difficulty getting up and down off the floor. You can use this standing or sitting in a chair!

  • Traditional Foam Roller: If you are mobile enough to get up and down off the floor easily, then you should start with this foam roller. The Amazon link I posted here shows you the shorter version- but make sure you purchase the full length option (36"), so you can foam roll your whole body and do some shoulder openers as well (which I will teach you in video 5). This one is medium density which works for most people, but if you are highly sensitive to pain and pressure, you could try this white version, which is a little softer.

  • The Infinity Foam Roller: This happens to be my favorite foam roller option, but I had to work up to it over time. I recommend this one to people who are freely mobile and who have previous exercise experience. The grey one is the softest and is best for highly sensitive people.

  • The Mini Infinity Roller: I am going to teach you how to foam roll your feet, which I promise you will love. You can use a tennis ball or a golf ball or something similar you have around your house, but many members love having this specific foot foam rolling tool to make their feet sing!

So, pick the foam roller you think will work best for you!

Today’s Challenge Prep For Success Tip: Pick your foam rolling tool and order it. Future you will thank you for being prepared on the foam rolling Challenge day. You will feel prepared and confident!

With Strength & Love.

Your Coach,


PS. Any questions about which foam roller is right for you? Just reply to this email and Alissa (our Autoimmune Strong Coach) will help you out! I believe in you! I know you can do this!

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